Hamradio Outdoor

Australia VK8AAF August/September 2007

from beginning of August 2007 we spent more than four weeks in Australia. We started our tour in Darwin, NT, went to Kathrine, Kunnunurra, Derby, Broome and Halls Creek. From Halls Creek we travelled 1000 km through the Tanami Desert to Alice Springs. In between a lot of nothing there is a place called Rabbit Flat, where i made my only QSO during the whole vacation. From Alice Springs we travelled to Palm Valley, Kings Canyon and Uluru. After three weeks travelling and sleeping in a 4WD Toyota Landcruiser Trooper we gave the car away and took a plane to Cairns to visit the Great Barrier Reef.

Seychelles S79BG September/October 2006

from September 23rd to October 8th, 2006 my YL and me were on the Seychelles islands of
Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Hamradio equipment was Elecraft K1 and NorCal40A as backup, which was not needed. On the main island Mahe my antenna was a G5RV for 40-10m.
It turned out that most activity was on 20m i decided to use a gp only for 20m.

During daytime all K1 bands (40m 30m, 20m, 17m) were like dead. Nothing to hear.
Every afernoon about 1 hour before sunset (6.30pm local time, 2.30pm UTC) the bands
opened with a few stations. Later at night european, sometimes german and northamerican
stations were audible.

Here is my rig. QSL via homecall DH5IS.

TRX Elecraft K1
PWR 5 watts

Don't know if the distance in kilometers calculated by my log software is correct, but
abt 14.000km to USA looks cute for 5watts :-)

Some pictures from S7 (more landscape, less hamradio)

For Amateur Radio License look here and contact the Seychelles Licensing Authority. Or feel free
to contact me.

Black Forest "Kniebis" about 1000m asl during lunch time September 2006

MP-1 with mobile extension below the coil and MFJ-1954 telescopic
whip on top. About 7 turns of the center coil and a wire counterpoise
are used for 20m.

A short trip to the hills near Bruchsal 2006

What can you do on saturday afternoon? I took my bike and IC-202
to make some contacts on 2m.

2. DL-QRP-AG Outdoor QSO-Party September 3rd, 2006

This time i gave some hand to the DK0A-Team during the VHF-Contest September 2006.
The location is Black Forest Hornisgrinde in JN48CO 1163m asl. Unfortunatly
the weather changed from saturday to sunday. The temperature was about 12C with
rain and lots of wind.

My setup was a Elecraft K1 with 5 watts and G5RV for 40-10m. For DX-Cluster news i
used a modified POCSAG pager. My first tower from DasRadio crashed due to the high
winds. Then i replaced the tower with a "Spieth-Mast Made in Germany". The Spieth
tower had no problems with the high winds and endured.

Seychelles S79BG qsl via homecall DH5IS

Currently i plan a QRP DXpedition to Seychelles. My approved callsign is S79BG.
Operation will be from September 23rd to October 8th, 2006 from the islands of
Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Equipment is Elecraft K1 and NorCal40A with dipoles.

hpe cuagn sn = 73 es 72 + Bernd

Nearby hill at Bruchsal: Setup is Elecraft K1 and MP-1 antenna w/ magmount on BMW X3 April 2006

Causeway to "Honeymoon Island" nr Dunedin(FL) USA April 2006

With this Kite Antenna setup i worked N5ESE, Monty nr Austin (TX) 2xqrp on 20m

September 2005

New callsign DH5IS     -.. .... ..... .. ...

Old callsign DL4NDE    -.. .-.. ....- -. -.. .

Italy Holiday June 2005

While using this equipment i worked a few stations throughout
Europe and even USA.

DH5IS: Elecraft K1 and Palm Paddle with 12V/7Ah battery pack

10m glasfibre tower by Spieth supporting mini G5RV with
2 times 7m and 5m 240 Ohm feeder and 1:1 balun as inverted V.
You can hardly see the antenna wires behind this mobile home
on an Italian camp ground.

My log contains several European stations and a few from USA.

6/14/05 21:00utc 20m W1MK, Rob, Massachusets 599his/569my
6/14/05 22:10utc 20m W2LJ, Larry, NJ 449his/339my Larry used a K2 w/ 5W out!!!
6/16/05 21:14utc 20m NS2H, Beck, Gensboro, NC 559/559 2xqrp!!!

"Vatertag in Schweinfurt" with local hams May 2004

Italy Vacation June 2003

During summer vacation in the Toscana area in central Italy i used
a Alinco DX-70 and an end fed 21m long dipole. The antenna of course
was used mainly on 20m Band but as well on 30m.

OZ Denmark April 2003

My Elecraft was just ready when we went to OZ to spent the
Easter holidays in Norring (Hinnerup Kommune) near Aarhus.

Fortunatly danish people always have flag poles around their houses.
The antenna was a 41m loop with 75ohm coax feedline mainly for the
40m Band. For the other bands the auto tuner was a must.